30 Rock
30 Rock stars Tina Fey, who plays essentially a fictional version of herself, and follows her story as a writer for an NBC sketch comedy show. It’s filled with socially ineptness, actor insanity, and many shenanigans. It’s a character based show with a pretty good cast; featuring big names like Alec Baldwin and Tracy Morgan, but Jack McBrayer and excellent appearances by people like Will Arnet and Salma Hayek are the definite highlights. 30 Rock has been going on for six seasons, and a season 7 on the way. It had a bit of a rocky start, but it definitely found itself in seasons 3-5. Season six was a definite decline quality wise- the entire season is basically just the cast goofing around- but if you’ve watched all the previous seasons, you’ll find it endearing. Overal, very could show, with a very good cast and some really funny writing.
Wreck-It Ralph
Wreck-it Ralph follows the story of video game villain Wreck-it Ralph and his quest to prove himself as more than just a bad guy. It is also amazing. It has amazing animation and every last shot is filled with so many amazing details from video-game referencing graffiti to marshmallow torches. The plot ties together great, the voice cast is flawless and does their job very well, each character is wonderfully designed- inside and out, and it’s overall just a great movie. Go watch it.
Welcome to CocoTV
Hi Coco!
We kept talking about CocoTV, so I thought it would be fun to make it happen.
This is something that you can build as Coco, rather than as your RP personas on Tumblr. It will last and grow and can be a focused showcase of your ideas and talent.
I started this simple site in just a few hours. There is so much more technology that can be added and changed to customize it according to your dreams and interests. It could look like http://press75.com/view/on-demand/ or http://www.obox-design.com/demo-theme.cfm?theme=motion-picture or all sorts of other ways.
I’ll send you all the login information later. In the meantime, think about what you might want to post.:)
Merry Christmas!
Tamara (and Dad)